Flores, and the First Love Vibes
There's something special about Flores. Every place has its own stories, but Flores is different. It wasn't even the first place I visited on a trip, yet it holds a special place in my heart, freely residing in my mind. It's like the warmth of the sun on the beach or the melodic sound of a Mockingjay in the middle of the forest. I didn't even know the exact reason why Flores captivated me. Perhaps it was because I had planned this trip back in 2018, aiming for it to happen in 2021 as our graduation trip. However, Corona happened, and we postponed it to 2022 without my beloved one Deandra (God knows best). Or maybe it was the mesmerizing nature and landscape of Flores, or the adventure I always longed for—the beauty of freedom and wildness. It could even be the people I encountered along the way—from the moment I landed at the land, throughout the city, on the road, our wonderful guide, and even the strangers who became friends. I never really knew. Or perhaps it was bec...