Talk Clearly
Hello again, I want to talk about my experience which all of you may think this is not a big deal... I was in Thailand three months ago doing my social project with AIESEC. I've met some people from a different country, and yea we are different, totally different cultures, sex, age, and what we belief, yet I've learned so much from that. But, I will write all of them in a different part, and hope you guys enjoy it!! From this, I want to talk about Talking. Wherever and whenever you are, always have some courage to Talk, but the thing I want to tell is Talk Clearly to everyone you meet, whoever they are Talk clearly and properly. Why I mentioned properly there, because sometimes what you said cut deeper than a knife to someone's life, and yet sometimes what you said could lit someone's life, who's know? But, need to know again, you don't have to please everyone by talking clearly at least don't break someone's heart by saying something rude. So, ...